What You Need to Do Before Investing
If you wish to invest, the first and most important step is to register or open an account with the RNIT (Rwanda National Investment Trust) system. This will enable you to send funds to your account and allow us to provide you with information about your investment.
How to Register or Open an Account
* For Individuals
If you want to invest or save as an individual, you can register (open an account) by dialing *589# and following the instructions, or by visiting our website at www.shora.rnit.rw and filling out the required details.This account will enable you to access various services such as: Saving Saving on behalf of someone else Checking your account balance
* For Companies or Groups
If a company or a group wants to invest (save), they can also use our website at www.shora.rnit.rw to open an account. However, for this process to be completed successfully, it is advisable to contact us directly or call us for assistance, as specific procedures need to be followed.
How to Save or Invest
Once you have opened an account, you can start saving or investing using the following methods:
* Mobile Money
You can save or save on behalf of someone else using Mobile Money by dialing *589# and following the instructions.
Note: This method incurs a 1.18% MTN service charge.