• Rwanda National Investment Trust Ltd (RNIT) is a government-owned investment management company that falls under the objectives of the Government of Rwanda to promote a culture of saving and investment in financial markets. It has been registered with RDB with TIN 103050292 since the year 2013.
  • In line with the objective of the Government of Rwanda to increase savings as a percent of GDP up to 30% by 2035, Rwanda National Investment Trust Ltd (RNIT) was mandated to play a pivotal role in fostering the culture of saving in Rwanda across diverse ages and categories of the population.
  • To achieve this mission, RNIT’s mandate is two-fold:
  • the first mandate of RNIT is to avail products through which investors willing to save can channel their funds and provide professional fund management as well as investment advisory services to unit trust and pension schemes.
  • The second mandate is to carry out public financial literacy campaigns, notably those that aim to spread knowledge about saving and arouse the population’s appetite for it.
  • RNIT Ltd is licensed by CMA to provide Asset/Fund Management services for collective investment schemes since July 2015.

RNIT is also licensed by the National Bank of Rwanda to exercise the activities of pension scheme investment Manager for pension Funds in the Republic of Rwanda

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Here, you will find a comprehensive document explaining who we are, our mission, values, the products we offer, and the services we provide.

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