Jean de Dieu MUHIRE
Jean de Dieu MUHIRE: is currently Head of Finance and Fund Accounting at RNIT Ltd where he serves in financial reporting, tax compliance, planning and budgeting, and fund accounting. He is MBA in Accounting and Finance graduand from University of Kigali, holds bachelor in Accounting from University of Rwanda, CPA (K), and ICPAR member. Before Joining RNIT Ltd, he served as an accountant at Mogas Rwanda Ltd as he dealt with financial reporting, management reporting, receivables and payable management, payment processing, bank reconciliation, and work together with auditors during annual audit of the company. Before joining Mogas, he worked at PwC Rwanda Ltd as tax and audit associate as he worked on tax compliance, risk assessment, tax health checks, and financial statements audit in different companies in Rwanda. Muhire has 8 years of experience in financial reporting, tax compliances, planning, budgeting, payroll analyst and auditing, 4 years of experience in Net Asset Value computation, securities analysis, IFRS modelling, public financial management, fund accounting, and assisting in policy making. He presides the asset valuation and stands as member in investment committee at RNIT Ltd.